Saturday, April 30, 2016

About Back Hair Removal Techniques

Men are also looking for different option to remove unwanted hair especially from their back. Some men tend to have a lot of unwanted hair on their backs and look for options to remove it. There are both temporary and permanent back hair removal products and techniques available in the market today. The most common temporary hair removal technique used is waxing. It is easier to be used over large areas like the back and tends to be quite efficient. After waxing it takes about 4 to 5 weeks for the hair to grow back and hence it is very popular among men who want to get rid of the unwanted hair on their back. Hair removing creams and lotions are not that effective with coarse hair found on men and hence they would not be a good option.

As for permanent hair removing techniques for the back, laser hair removal and electrolysis techniques are very popular. As they are almost permanent hair removal techniques the cost involved also tends to be quite high. Of the two, electrolysis is the cheapest but electrolysis has to be done one hair at a time and hence it takes a long time to finish the process. But there has been a latest development in the electrolysis treatment that has allowed it to be used for removing hair from backs too. It is faster but still considered to be a lot slower than laser hair removal. There is also a process called permanent back hair reduction so make sure that you indicate to the practitioner what you are looking for either permanent back hair removal or permanent back hair reduction.

Electrolysis is done by inserting a sterile needle into each hair follicle which will then discharge a small electric current which would then destroy the hair follicle. But each hair follicle has to be treated one at a time and that means the process takes a long time to be finished. There is also a method called blend method which combines the short wave method with the galvanic method to get permanent hair removal. Electrolysis when performed by a professional practitioner who is qualified and licensed would result in permanent elimination of unwanted back hair. Electrolysis is cheaper when done over smaller areas but as the back is a larger area the costs are often higher. If you are planning to go for electrolysis then you will have to sit hundreds of hours to get the process completed and as you pay for the hour you would end up paying a lot more money.

Laser hair removal is a preferred process as it is effective and also can be cheaper when doing it over larger areas as it is much faster than electrolysis. In laser hair removal technique, beams of highly concentrated light are made to penetrate the hair follicles and destroy the hair follicle thereby preventing hair growth. The melanin present below the hair follicle gets heated up when the beam falls on it and that heat gets transferred to the hair follicle destroying it. As electrolysis, laser hair removal treatment has to be done by professionally qualified practitioners as improper usage of laser can lead to skin burns and skin irritation.

If you have planned to go for a permanent back hair removal procedure then laser hair removal should be the best option. It takes less time and after the different sessions needed to complete the process you would find that the cost of laser hair removal is much cheaper than electrolysis.

Find out more about the best back hair removal techniques [] and more about hair removal at the online hair removal guide at []

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